Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Every year our pets age the equivalent of approximately seven human years. We strongly recommend yearly health exams as this would translate to an exam approximately every 7 human years! Yearly health exams are a valuable part of your pet’s health and wellness. An annual exam can help detect and address concerns before they progress, which can lessen the effects a disease has on your pet. Early detection provides us with the opportunity to change the course of the disease, giving you and your pet more happy and healthy time together. This is especially important for ageing pets as the earlier we catch disease processes the longer we can keep your pet happy and healthy!

When is a dog considered a senior pet?

Typically, we consider pets over the age of 7 years old to be entering the geriatric stage of their lives.

What are the most common health issues experienced by senior dogs?

As pets age, a variety of health issues may arise. Organ disease such as kidney and liver disease are common as well as cancers, dental disease and arthritis.

How should I care for my senior dog?

Yearly health exams and bloodwork can help your veterinarian to catch diseases early and prolong the health and happiness of your pet. We strongly recommend blood work as over time we can detect small changes in certain values that could indicate your pet may be developing a certain disease. We can then provide you with the tools to slow down the progression of the disease. Our primary goal is to maintain the health of your pet and yearly health exams and bloodwork are the tools we need to make sure that we can achieve that.

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